Linda Vista

Property owners can also set up a schedule for patrolling their property. The Primary Towing Company doesn't actually have a driver sitting on the property like a security company but they have their driver monitor the lot with periodic check-ins throughout the patrol time period.

If a violation is spotted the driver will radio the supervisor of the Primary Towing. Based on their knowledge of the local parking laws, the Primary Towing supervisor can determine whether or not the vehicle needs to be towed. There are many laws and regulations involved around vehicle towing, so hiring knowledgeable staff is a must. A property owner wouldn’t want to find themselves involved in a lawsuit over car towing or vehicle damage. Once the vehicle is towed it then becomes the vehicle owner's responsibility to contact the impound lot used by the Primary Towing.

Business owners and individuals alike can rely on the services of a Primary Towing to lend a helping hand. They’ll come to your rescue with dependable car towing, truck towing and trailer towing services.